@inproceedings{lttngexotic, title = {Deploying LTTng on Exotic Embedded Architectures}, booktitle = {Embedded Linux Conference 2009 (ELC2009)}, author = {Mathieu Desnoyers and Michel R. Dagenais}, location = {San Francisco, CA}, month = apr, year = {2009}, url = {http://www.lttng.org/files/papers/desnoyers-celf2009-paper.pdf} }
@inproceedings{lttngfillinggap, title = {{LTTng, Filling the Gap Between Kernel Instrumentation and a Widely Usable Kernel Tracer}}, booktitle = {Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit 2009 (LFCS 2009)}, author = {Mathieu Desnoyers and Michel R. Dagenais}, location = {San Francisco, CA}, month = apr, year = {2009}, url = { </files/publications/desnoyers-lfcs2009-paper.pdf>} }
@inproceedings{combined_tracing_ols2009, title = {Combined Tracing of the Kernel and Applications with {LTTng}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2009 Linux Symposium}, author = {Pierre-Marc Fournier and Mathieu Desnoyers and Michel R. Dagenais}, location = {Montreal, Canada}, month = jul, year = {2009}, url = {/files/publications/fournier-combined-tracing-ols2009.pdf} }
@article{desnoyers_acm_2009, title = {Lockless Multi-Core High-Throughput Buffering Scheme for Kernel Tracing}, author = {Mathieu Desnoyers and Michel R. Dagenais}, journal = {ACM Transactions on Computer Systems}, year = {2009}, url = {/files/publications/desnoyers-acm-lttng-buffering-submitted.pdf} }
@article{desnoyers_spe_2009, title = {Synchronization for fast and reentrant operating system kernel tracing}, author = {Mathieu Desnoyers and Michel R. Dagenais}, journal = {Software - Practice and Experience}, year = {2009}, url = {/files/publications/desnoyers-sync-2009-submitted.pdf}, note = {Paper accepted, to be published.} }
@article{urcu_ieee, title = {User-Level Implementations of Read-Copy Update}, author = {Mathieu Desnoyers and Paul E. McKenney and Alan Stern and Jonathan Walpole}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems}, year = {2009}, url = {/files/publications/desnoyers-ieee-urcu-submitted.pdf} }
@inproceedings{linuxkongress_2009, title = {Userspace Application Tracing with Markers and Tracepoints}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2009 Linux Kongress}, author = {Jan Blunck and Mathieu Desnoyers and Pierre-Marc Fournier}, location = {Dresden, Germany}, month = oct, year = {2009}, url = {/files/publications/blunck-linux-kongress-ust-2009.pdf} }
@inproceedings{mcc2009, author = {Mathieu Desnoyers and Michel R. Dagenais and Dominique Toupin}, title = {Highly-Scalable Wait-Free Buffering Scheme for Multi-Core System Tracing}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2009 Swedish Multi-Core Conference}, organization = {MCC 2009}, address = {Uppsala, Sweden}, year = {2009}, url = {/files/publications/desnoyers-mcc09-final.pdf} }
@article{formal_verif_ieee_2009, title = {Multi-Core Systems Modeling for Formal Verification of Parallel Algorithms}, author = {Mathieu Desnoyers and Paul E. McKenney and Michel R. Dagenais}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems}, month = sep, year = {2009}, url = {/files/publications/desnoyers-ieee-multicoreverif-submitted.pdf}, note = {Paper submitted. Currently under review.} }
@conference{desnoyers:lta, title = {{LTTng}: Tracing across execution layers, from the Hypervisor to user-space}, author = {Mathieu Desnoyers and Michel R. Dagenais}, booktitle = {Linux Symposium 2008}, year = 2008, month = jul, pages = {101} }
@article{deschenes, title = {Tracing Time Operating System State Determination }, author = {Jean-Hugues Desch{^e}nes and Mathieu Desnoyers and Michel R. Dagenais}, journal = {The Open Software Engineering Journal}, pages = {40--44}, month = dec, year = {2008}, url = {https://benthamopen.com/ABSTRACT/TOSEJ-2-40} }
@misc{proulx_traceformat, title = {{LTTng} trace format reference}, author = {Philippe Proulx}, year = {2009}, url = {http://git.dorsal.polymtl.ca/?p=lttng-dev-doc.git;a=blob_plain;f=trace-format/format.pdf} }
@article{urcu_ieee1, title = {User-Level Implementations of Read-Copy Update}, author = {Mathieu Desnoyers and Paul E. McKenney and Alan Stern and Jonathan Walpole}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems}, year = {2010}, url = {/files/publications/desnoyers-ieee-urcu-submitted.pdf} }
@article{desfossez-benchmark, title = {LTTng-UST vs SystemTap userspace tracing benchmarks}, author = {Julien Desfossez and Mathieu Desnoyers}, journal = {lttng mailing list}, month = feb, year = {2011}, url = {https://lists.lttng.org/pipermail/lttng-dev/2011-February/003949.html} }
@article{matni-afi, title = {Operating System Level Trace Analysis for Automated Problem Identification}, author = {Gabriel N. Matni and Michel R. Dagenais}, journal = {The Open Cybernetics and Systemics Journal}, month = apr, year = {2011}, url = {/files/publications/matni-ocsj-afi-submitted-2011.pdf} }
@article{sham-hmm, title = {Real Time Intrusion Prediction based on improving the priority of alerts with Hidden Markov Model}, author = {Alireza Shameli}, journal = {Journal of Networks}, month = may, year = {2011} }
@conference{giraldeau-ols2011, title = {Extracting system metrics from kernel trace}, author = {Francis Giraldeau and Julien Desfossez and David Goulet and Mathieu Desnoyers and Michel R. Dagenais}, booktitle = {Linux Symposium 2011}, year = 2011, month = jun }
@techreport{knowlede-desnoyers, title = {Knowledge Based Modeling of the Linux Kernel}, author = {Mathieu Desnoyers}, institution = {EfficiOS}, year = 2011, month = aug, url = {/files/publications/2011/KnowledgeBaseModelLinuxKernel.pdf} }
@techreport{security-luiggi, title = {Linux Based Monitoring of Security}, author = {Jean-Philippe Luiggi and Julien Desfossez}, institution = {Revolution Linux}, year = 2010, month = dec, url = {/files/publications/2011/LinuxBasedMonitoringSecuritySystem.pdf} }
@misc{online-drdc, title = {On-line cyber surveillance of information systems Results from the current DRDC project, and way-ahead}, author = {Mario Couture}, year = 2011, month = mar, url = {/files/publications/2011/Invitation_15BA_Meeting_-_March_8th_2011.pdf} }
@article{jabb-hwsn, title = {A Reliable and Efficient Time Synchronization Protocol for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network}, author = {Masoume Jabbarifar and Alireza Shameli Sendi and Alireza Sadighian and Naser Ezzati Jivan and Michel Dagenais}, journal = {Wireless Sensor Network}, year = 2011, month = aug, url = {/files/publications/WSN20101200004_27930665.pdf} }
@mastersthesis{desfossez-thesis, title = {RESOLUTION DE PROBLEME PAR SUIVI DE METRIQUES DANS LES SYSTEMES VIRTUALISES}, author = {Julien Desfossez}, school = {{'E}cole Polytechnique de Montr{'e}al}, month = dec, year = {2011}, url = {/files/publications/desfossez-memoire.pdf} }
@mastersthesis{montplaisir-thesis, title = {STOCKAGE SUR DISQUE POUR ACCES RAPIDE D'ATTRIBUTS AVEC INTERVALLES DE TEMPS}, author = {Alexandre Montplaisir}, school = {{'E}cole Polytechnique de Montr{'e}al}, month = dec, year = {2011}, url = {/files/publications/montplaisir-memoire.pdf} }
@article{poirier-offline, title = {Accurate Offline Synchronization of Distributed Traces Using Kernel-Level Events}, author = {Benjamin Poirier and Robert Roy and Michel R. Dagenais}, journal = {Operating Systems Review}, year = {2010}, publisher = {ACM}, url = {/files/publications/poirier-aos.pdf}, note = {Submitted, review in progress} }
@mastersthesis{poirier-thesis, title = {Synchronisation de traces distribu{'e}es {`a} l'aide d'{'e}v{'e}nements de bas niveau}, author = {Benjamin Poirier}, school = {{'E}cole Polytechnique de Montr{'e}al}, month = apr, year = {2010}, url = {/files/publications/poirier-memoire.pdf} }
@mastersthesis{matni_masters, title = {Detecting Problematic Execution Patterns Through Automatic Kernel Trace Analysis}, author = {Gabriel Matni}, school = {Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal}, address = {Canada}, month = apr, year = {2009}, url = {/files/publications/matni-memoire.pdf} }
@inproceedings{matni_ccece, title = {Automata-based approach for kernel trace analysis}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2009 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering}, author = {Gabriel Matni and Michel R. Dagenais}, location = {St. John, Newfoundland, Canada}, month = may, year = {2009}, url = {/files/publications/matni-canadian-conf2009.pdf} }
@article{fournier-osr, author = {Fournier, Pierre-Marc and Dagenais, Michel R.}, title = {Analyzing blocking to debug performance problems on multi-core systems}, journal = {SIGOPS Operating Systems Review}, volume = {44}, number = {2}, year = {2010}, issn = {0163-5980}, pages = {77--87}, doi = {10.1145/1773912.1773932}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, url = {/files/publications/fournier-blocking-acm.pdf} }
@inproceedings{femra, title = {FEMRA: Fuzzy Expert Model for Risk Assessment}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection}, author = {Alireza Shameli-Sendi and Masoume Jabbarifar}, location = {Barcelona, Spain}, volume = {5}, month = may, year = {2010}, url = {/files/publications/shameli-jabbarifar-2010-FEMRA.pdf} }
@misc{AIR_shameli, title = {A Retroactive-burst Framework for Automated Intrusion Response System submitted to the 2012 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering}, author = {Alireza Shameli and Michel R. Dagenais} }
@misc{rt_survey_shameli, title = {Real Time Intrusion Prediction based on Optimized Alerts with Hidden Markov Model accepted by the Journal of Networks}, author = {Alireza Shameli and Michel R. Dagenais} }
@misc{tracing_wikibook, title = {Tracing WikiBook}, author = {Michel R. Dagenais and others}, url = {http://lttng.org/tracingwiki/} }
@article{marouani2008icd, title = {{Internal clock drift estimation in computer clusters}}, author = {Marouani, H. and Dagenais, M.R.}, journal = {Journal of Computer Systems, Networks, and Communications}, volume = {2008}, number = {2}, year = {2008}, publisher = {Hindawi Publishing Corp. New York, NY, United States}, url = {/files/publications/marouani-2008.pdf} }
@mastersthesis{pmfthesis, title = {Analyse automatis{'e}e des causes de blocage de processus {`a} partir d'une trace d'ex{'e}cution}, author = {Pierre-Marc Fournier}, school = {Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal}, month = {March}, year = {2009}, url = {/files/publications/fournier-msca-thesis.pdf} }
@techreport{couture_report2, title = {Tracing, monitoring and analysis of distributed multi-core systems - Selected feasability studies}, author = {Mario Couture and Fran\c{c}ois Pr{'e}noveau and Michel R. Dagenais and B{'e}chir Ktari and Fran\c{c}ois Lajeunesse-Robert}, institution = {Defence Research and Development Canada}, month = apr, year = {2009}, url = {/files/publications/couture-TR2008-300.pdf} }
@inproceedings{couture-selfdefence, title = {Self-Defence of Information Systems in Cyber-Space -- A Critical Overview}, booktitle = {NATO IST-091 Symposium}, author = {Mario Couture and Robert Charpentier and Michel Dagenais and Abdelwahab Hamou-Lhadj}, location = {Tekirova-Antalya, Turkey}, month = apr, year = {2010}, url = {/files/publications/couture-ist091-2010.pdf} }
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