Event dates:

Friday, January 14, Friday, January 21 and Friday, January 28, 2022, in the Montreal morning

Progress Report Meetings

Due to the exceptional pandemic circumstances (again!), the progress report meeting will be held as 3 events, by theme, and online.

  • Friday, January 14th, 2022, 10h00 - 12h30: Low level, material and trace collection
  • Friday, January 21th, 2022, 8h15 - 12h30: Distributed application analysis, machine learning
  • Friday, January 28th, 2022, 9h30 - 12h00: Theia, Trace Compass, hack-a-thon

Participation is by invitation. The target audience is the project participants and guests of the project sponsors.

Meeting Number: 739 543 248
+1-438-797-4001 Canada Toll (Montreal)
+1-647-484-1598 Canada Toll (Toronto)
Access code: 739 543 248

January 14th: Low level, hardware and trace collection

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Start time End time Presenter Subject
10:05 10:30 Christophe Bedard Tracing ROS 2
10:30 10:50 Clément Guidi LTTng-UST dynamic tracepoints in uftrace
10:50 11:05 Farzam Dorostkar Hardware Tracing for data race detection
11:05 11:25 break
11:25 11:30 Olivier Dion Using .debug_line for optimized probe regions with kprobe
11:30 11:50 Arnaud Fiorini Updates on heterogeneous tracing with ROCm
11:50 12:10 Yoann Heitz CTF traces generation with ROCm and OTF2 support in Trace Compass
12:10 12:30 Bohémond Couka GPU debugging

January 21st: Distributed application analysis, machine learning

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Start time End time Presenter Subject
8:15 8:30 Quentin Fournier Deep Learning to Detect Novel Behaviours in Traces
8:30 8:40 Julia Rolland A Benchmark of unsupervised off-the-shelf anomaly detection methods on ADFA-LD
8:40 8:55 Iman Kohyarnejad Anomaly Detection in Microservice Systems Using Tracing Data and Machine Learning
8:55 9:10 Irving Muller Rodrigues Efficiently Finding Similar Stack Traces
9:10 9:25 Rodrigo Alves Randel, Mohammad Nassiri Build log analysis for error detection and deduplication
9:25 9:40 Adem Aouni Differentiable Dynamic Programming for Stack Trace Deduplication
9:40 9:55 Andressa Oliveira, Leandro R. Costa Evolving system for anomaly detection
9:55 10:10 Vithor Bertalan Using machine learning to find causality between errors in log reports
10:10 10:25 break
10:25 10:45 Hervé Kabamba Tracing NodeJs Application in a Low level context
10:45 11:15 EfficiOS Updates on LTTng
11:15 11:55 Naser Ezzati, Amir Haghshenas, Riley VanDonge, Mohammed Adib Khan Observability compensation paradigm through adaptive tracing
11:55 12:10 Masoumeh Nourollahi From critical path to adaptive tracing?
12:10 12:30 Pierre-Frédérick Denys Distributed computation of critical path

January 28th: Theia, Trace Compass, hack-a-thon

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Start time End time Presenter Subject
9:30 10:00 Ericsson Trace Compass Roadmap update
10:00 10:15 Abdellah Rahmani Traces preprocessing tool
10:15 10:30 Quoc-Hao Tran Distributed model for Trace Compass
10:30 10:50 Erica Bugden Theia Trace Viewer Design Improvements
10:50 10:55 Maryam Ekhlasi Performance Issues Detection by Comparing Nested Execution Traces on Distributed Systems
10:55 11:00 David Piché, Reza Ghalandari, Jumaah Fawaz, Eya-Tom Augustin Sangam, Benjamin Saint-Cyr, Ahmad Faour, Sébastien Darche Presentation of the new students
11:00 12:30 The Hack-a-thon will take place on Wonder.me ! It is a virtual event platform to meet and discuss different ideas. People will be able to join in different circles in areas that specify more general topics.